The click service has developed a special interface for receiving a token and transferring data to the ORD. You can mark official advertising in myTarget via click completely automatically. Automatic marking is also available for advertising in Yandex Direct, VKontakte, Yandex Business, on Promo Pages, in Telegram Ads.
Main steps:
1. Creating an advertising account or transferring campaigns through click technical support after authorization in the user account.
How to mark ads in myTarget
2. Filling in the marking scheme. Before launching a campaign, you need to select the payer - the final advertiser - next to each project in the click interface. If the advertiser is a legal entity, click canada whatsapp already has all the data. An individual needs to check the correctness of the phone number / personal taxpayer identification number in the profile. No additional actions are required. The click service will independently provide the ORD with data on the agreement concluded between click and the advertiser, and creatives.
How to mark ads in myTarget
Everything is ready! No need to worry. The click service will automatically generate acts for end advertisers who directly pay click, and send the necessary documents to the ORD.
You can also use click to mark any ad semi-automatically. The method is suitable for marking articles, posts on social networks, banners, videos, advertising in Telegram channels, etc. Marking takes no more than 20 minutes. This is three times faster than marking ads in ORD directly. Many fields are filled in automatically - you will not need to manually enter information and correct errors. There are hints at each step. There are also indicators of correct field filling.
The click service helps automate other complex and routine processes related to advertising: preparing reports, collecting semantics, managing bids, etc. If you run campaigns in several advertising systems, you can manage all advertising in a single advertising account of the service. You can also receive additional income from advertising by joining an affiliate program.