The electricity bill is mainly made up of two concepts: power and consumption. But it also includes other terms such as electricity tolls .
Power is what we know as a fixed term, and it depends on the kW contracted. For practical purposes, it means that you will pay for power on your bill even if you do not use any electricity at home. Consumption, on the other hand, is the variable term, and it depends on the electricity you use.
If these concepts are so simple, why is it so difficult to zimbabwe email list understand the electricity bill? Well, because, as we said before, other concepts such as taxes and tolls are applied to it. The latter are the most complex to understand.
Light tolls
Since they account for up to 41% of what you pay for your electricity bill, it is important that you understand what they are and if there is any way to save on these items.
What is electricity toll?
It is an access fee paid by all consumers to cover the costs related to the transportation and distribution of electricity, from generating plants to consumption points (your home or business).
This toll also covers other charges indirectly linked to the supply of electricity. For example, costs related to the operation, maintenance and management of the electrical system, but also additional costs arising from specific energy policies such as the promotion of renewable energies.
The toll on the electricity bill is paid regardless of who the energy supplier is. Because it is the most effective system to guarantee that the cost of maintenance and operation of the electrical infrastructures, which are necessary to ensure a reliable and continuous supply of electricity, will be covered.
The tolls are set annually by the National Commission for Markets and Competition (CNMC). The electricity companies are responsible for collecting this money, and then make it available to the regulatory body for distribution.
Tolls and electricity charges in 2024
The electricity tolls applicable throughout this year were defined by the CNMC through its resolution RAP/DE/009/23.