Franchise classification is based on various characteristics: the scope of commercial activity, the number of points in the partner network and, most importantly, the nature of the contractual relationship between the franchisee and the franchisor.
According to the type of business japan whatsapp number list girl franchises are divided into product, production and service.
In this case, the concessionaire is engaged in the sale of goods released under a franchise trademark - usually this looks like the opening of a branded shopping center. Examples of this kind are stores under the sign Zara (clothing), Baldinini (footwear), "220 volt" (electric tools).
Manufacturing (industrial)
Here, the production of products under the franchiser's brand is organized, according to its technological standards and with the supply of raw materials. For example, the workshops for the production of hydraulic hoses H-Point, the salons of seals and stamps "PoligrafychЪ" operate according to this principle.
They represent the provision of services under the brand of the seller who supplies the equipment and descriptions of the technological process. This category mainly includes franchises for small businesses: chain dry cleaners, smartphone repair shops, etc.
Depending on the number of points, there are direct and multi-franchises.
Here, each point operates on the basis of a separate agreement, and the amount of payment is also set individually.