An LLC is registered, a contract is concluded with a telecom operator (or with several operators at once – the buyer in the passage should have a choice!) for corporate services and many SIM cards are bought at once. Of course, at a discounted rate. And here – the goods are provided. At the same time, the interest of the telecom company is understandable, it is important for them to increase their client base, so in fact they do not really understand: did I give it to the right person? (c) The sales manager will receive his rightful bonus. Even if you suddenly decide to tell the operator that someone is selling their SIM cards, breaking the law (according to the law "On Communications" a SIM card can only be sold upon presentation of a passport), they will turn a blind eye to it .
Apparently, it is considered that this germany email list is a matter for law enforcement agencies. . For such a business, the seller - an individual faces a fine of 2 to 5 thousand rubles . Even if the police "accept" the businessman, they do not cause any particular harm to his turnover. If the security forces dug deeper and got to officials and legal entities, then the fines could reach 200 thousand rubles. But one-day firms are not afraid of this either. How much does the shadow telecommunications business bring in? Judge for yourself. The selling price of such a “collective farm” SIM card ranges from 150 to 300 rubles.
You can buy them on a specially registered website, for example, here - from 35 rubles for a minimum batch . The more - the cheaper. Even on Avito you can buy them wholesale from 7 rubles per piece ! Overall, it's a very profitable business. What about the buyers? Who are they and what are they risking? In addition to various business travelers, tourists, uninformed citizens or those who want to have an undisclosed number for communication, there is another category of citizens who are also not very friendly with the law (and not only with the Law “On Communications”). But, even if we don’t touch on crime, using such a SIM card is quite fraught.