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Essential skills for a digital marketing professional (2)

Posted: Wed Dec 04, 2024 10:59 am
by ayshakhatun450
In the first part of this article I mentioned some of the soft skills that I consider important for a digital marketing executive to have. On this occasion, I will delve into some of the key technical knowledge that this profile must have. As I mentioned in the previous article, knowing how to publish on social networks is not enough to be able to correctly execute an entire digital marketing strategy, so we must consider some specific technical skills to stand out in the digital world. They must be profiles that list of western sahara consumer email stand out in a dynamic and competitive environment. Below, I share with you 4 characteristics (which are just a few) that I consider important for your ideal candidate to have.

1. Written communication skills
I once read that a spelling mistake on a website can reduce sales by up to 50 % – impressive, don’t you think? That’s why I chose this point as the first on the list.

From a copy for social media, a blog article, institutional content on the website, to an email to a supplier, client or manager, written communication skills are indispensable. There is no longer room for spelling mistakes and poor writing.

2. Handling analysis tools
One of the great advantages of digital marketing is the ability to monitor the results of your efforts in real time, allowing you to improve and optimize your campaigns practically every day.

As we mentioned in the first article , the ability to analyze is vital for those who are dedicated to digital marketing, allowing them to see and analyze the results, and thus be able to optimize their efforts in the best way.

There are countless tools that allow you to measure and analyze digital efforts. Among the most popular are Google Analytics , Google Search Console , SEMRush, DataBox among others. Ideally, your candidate should have –at least– a notion of these tools, since they are essential for the correct execution of a digital strategy.


3. Knowledge of social networks
The digital age is one of constant changes and innovations, as well as new platforms and devices coming onto the market.

In light of this, a digital marketing professional must be familiar with each of the social networks that exist. Each one has a different way of functioning, audience, tone, publication characteristics, etc. It is not possible to replicate the efforts of LinkedIn (the business platform par excellence) on Instagram (a purely visual content platform).

4. Know how to plan an online campaign
This professional must have the basic knowledge that allows him to plan an online campaign. To do this he will have to:

- Know the different bidding strategies : CPM (cost per thousand impressions), CPC (cost per click) or CPA (cost per action).

- Understand how search engine marketing works : the differences between SEM and SEO, as well as the best practices for each.

- Know the different objectives of a campaign : branding or results (performance). - Understand the marketing and sales funnel : know how a website visitor can become a customer.