In the province of Valencia we find very different cases depending on the large towns. For example, in Valencia City, Paterna or La Pobla de Vallbona, the discount is 95%. In Lliria it is 90% and in Sagunto it is 70%.
The requirements to qualify for solar panel subsidies in the Valencian Community are simple. We explain how to apply for subsidies from the corresponding authority, whether regional or local. We highlight the following elements:
Own a home in the territory of the Valencian sale leads zambia email address Community. This can be a single-family home or a flat in a community of owners, it doesn't matter.
Be up to date with payments to Social Security and the Tax Agency. In other words, the same as what would be required to be able to contract with the Administration. To do so, you must have a negative certificate stating that you do not owe anything.
The installation of photovoltaic panels must be aimed at self-consumption, not at the commercialisation of energy. The power generated by the panels, for example, will serve to demonstrate this circumstance. In this regard, we suggest that you speak to your installer to see if you meet the criteria for the subsidy.
Certificate of registration. Not surprisingly, the same treatment is not given, for the purposes of bonuses, to first or second residences. If you are not registered, the title deed, a simple note from the Property Registry or previous IBI receipts will suffice.
Submit documentation in a timely manner that proves this circumstance, including invoices in some cases. In some cases, directly to the Consell; in others, to the corresponding town hall or, where appropriate, to the Provincial Council.
Remember that these grants are compatible with each other. That is, you can simultaneously opt for the IRPF deduction and the IBI and ICIO bonuses. This makes the cost reduction in the installations significant.
Join the #GoodEnergies with Naturgy
Solar panel subsidies in the Valencian Community are an opportunity to switch to clean energy and save money. At Naturgy we help make the process easier and we help you carry out the installation. Join the #GoodEnergies!