Natural gas is one of the most efficient and safe fuels for domestic use. One of its advantages is that, as a consumer, you can choose to be on the free market or opt for the TUR gas rate , which is regulated. This way you can be sure to always enjoy the best price.
But what is the regulated gas tariff ? Who sets the prices and how? We are going to resolve all the doubts you may have on this subject.
What is the TUR rate?
The TUR for gas is a Last Resort or regulated rate. That is, the amount sale leads zimbabwe email address paid for gas by consumers under this modality is determined by the Government.
Until 1997, the energy market in Spain was highly regulated and controlled by state-owned companies. In 1997, the process of liberalising the energy market began with the Electricity Sector Act, followed in 1998 by the Hydrocarbons Sector Act. These regulations aimed to open up the energy market to competition, encouraging the arrival of new players.
At the same time, there was a need to guarantee the supply of energy to all citizens, regardless of their economic capacity. The Last Resort Tariff for gas was established as a mechanism to protect the most vulnerable consumers.
The TUR rate has evolved over time, with adjustments affecting the way it is calculated and applied. In addition, new measures have been adopted over the years to protect the most vulnerable consumers.
How does the Last Resort Rate work?
In the energy market you will find marketing companies and distribution entities. They are not the same and, therefore, it is necessary to distinguish between them.
The marketing companies are responsible for billing the energy, in this case gas, consumed by users. Meanwhile, the distribution companies are responsible for delivering the gas to the different supply points. Having clarified this, you should know that the TUR can only be offered by the marketing entities designated for this purpose.
In Spain there are eight leading gas distributors, but only four can offer the TUR gas rate , which are those that have been authorised by the Ministry of Industry. This also sets the conditions of the rate, so the price and contracting conditions are the same for all companies.