Real business cover.Real entrepreneurship

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Real business cover.Real entrepreneurship

Post by arzina544 »

1. Complete information
Provide complete information about a product or service and its price. Complete information also means that you mention when someone has been paid to write a review (no, I haven't). And be honest about collecting personal data and tracking website visitors.

2. Correct information
You may not call something free if people have to pay with personal data or if they only get a part for free. You may also not create a false sense of urgency, such as 'there are only a few places left' when that is not the case.

3. Understandable information
This point is actually very simple: adapt your language to your target audience.

4. Logical and honest design
People should not be misled by the design. This means, for example, that your ordering process is logical. It is clear which buttons do what. Also choose clear fonts and a suitable font size and colours that contrast sufficiently.

5. Provide information in a timely manner
You are obliged to share all information before an agreement is reached.

6. Easy-to-find information
Make sure people don't have to search. Make sure that important information is together on one page. And you certainly shouldn't hide essential information in your general terms and conditions.

7. Favorable default settings
Are there any settings that can be changed? Either leave the choice to the customer or set the default settings as favorable as possible for your customer.

8. Consider vulnerable people
People make certain choices when they are in certain situations. If someone is in financial trouble, then someone will (too) quickly say 'yes' to a service that can earn money quickly. Sometimes you have to protect people from themselves.

If you are honest about what you offer, what you stand for and what customers can expect from you, then the chance that you will enter into a partnership with a customer or party that does not suit you is smaller. If that does happen, then it is wise to share that as soon as possible, no matter how difficult. Hopefully you will work it belgium telegram data out together. And if not, then after reading this article you will of course have adjusted your quote and general terms and conditions, so that your damage remains limited.

I can be very brief about this: every entrepreneur, starting or experienced, needs the book Real Entrepreneurship (affiliate). Entrepreneurship is something you do on your own terms. Finally a book that does not tell you how to do it, but gives you the right information to make choices that lead to success for you. In addition, with this book you have legal information at your fingertips that is understandable, so that you can make laws and regulations work for you.


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